There are some large sections still to be cut out. Those will give the trees and owl better definition. Once they are cut everything should just pop. But the large pieces need to be cut last to keep the strength for the cuts near them.
One other thing you should know. The skill is not just using the scroll saw. The skill is knowing how to hide the messed up cut so that it looks like it was supposed to be that way. WHen a person looks at your work they have no clue what the pattern looked like. So long as you keep the gernal feel and look no one knows where you messed up.
Don't toss a project just because there is a goof up. OK sometimes the goof up is a project ending mistake. But with fret projects there is so much room for changes you can usually cover up the mistake. I won't tell you how many are already there but more then one!
This is where I am at now
Not the pattern side.
Thanks for looking!
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