Well, it was warm this week so I finally made it out to my shed(shop) and did a little work on a design I put together. It is an 8x11 plaque for cycling. I saw this a while back and since I was run down by a car 8+ months ago it has more meaning since I was totally taken out. I was thrown quite a bit of distance. I was far enough off the road that you can hear some guy from my GoPros asking if I fell down since I was so far from the road. I was thrown and landed on the sidewalk then slid off that on down an embankment where I finally came to a stop.I ended up with a broken clavicle(collar bone) and a broken scapula(shoulder blade). Still working through the pain and going to physical therapy.
Here is a picture of what I have done so far on it. I will probably finish this up in the next day or so.
I have even decided to use my GoPros and make a video of the project. It is my first video of this type so at times the camera moved out of position and I did not notice it. But since I sped up the video 30x it is not that much of a bother. I sped it up since it would be rather boring to watch it in real time. It is probably boring to watch even sped up. But I have been asked over and over what the heck is a scrollsaw and how do you use it that I figured I might as well get a video of a project,
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